There comes a time when you realise that nothing is permanent. But what additional I have realised is that there exists an inner self which remains forever, may be after the death , your name ,your identity and you remain forever. We all have a purpose to live and grow. We all are given a wide thinking and imaginative powers, but what comes crucial is how we take them !! I had lovely experiences in life and many more to go. And they ultimately add to my growing which is so beautiful. And thus this way people grow ...............
Walking through a road
A never ending road
The road that never taken
with the leaves fallen in autumn
Provoked by destiny
eyed a stone shining like a pearl,
Which I hesitated to pick
then examined
but the mirror was not so clear
The wind was blowing
And the sand giving its aroma
The aroma of love
The aroma of faith
The shine was rich
The shine was fulfilling
And was heartthrob
shine which was aureate
Radiated in all directions
The clean of almighty
All went through mind
Stared at the stone
Like a lost soul
Who are you ,
" a drug
A drug never sold
Of poison
A drug you should stay away
A drug you should stay away"
I walked ahead
With the grass ,
no shine
That shine
Which had already addicted
It rained cats and dogs
A shelter was needful
But the road was never ending
As the road was never taken
“Hey you”
Someone sighed
I turned ,the shine was blinding
Resisted but touched
And then lost.
I wandered and wondered for a rehab
But got none
I prayed to recover but they replied
“the shine is waiting”
I returned to the shine
The spangling shine
Which was waiting
I picked and discovered
My life
The life I was finding
The truth for which I lied
The rain stopped
The aroma on its high
The discovery
The invention
The tunnel my life waiting for
The shine that changed my life forever
The road was never ending
The road that never taken
The journey is onto
And with blooming flowers
The year was new
The year is new
The day was new
The day is new
The minute was new
The minute is new
The love was new
The love is new
The road was new!!
The road begun!!
New days!! New love
With new dreams
The shine was aureating more and more
Showing its faith ,its love.
The shine was precious
The shine is precious.
It shined like a star
On roads
On metro
And the shine was metro
And the shine is metro
The day shine was born
The day I prayed
Let it become mine
Thy is a creativity
Mine is love.
The shine became mine
And I shined
Like a characteristic gold
The power of one shine
Gave birth to two
Together they shined more
The new shine was so aureate
That the never ending ,never taken raod
Diminished and diverged into a new beginning
This pearl is you
And the shine is your faith
Your eyes containing your faith
Provoking to love
To live
To lie for a truth.
And today I say
The drug of my dream
The drug which heals the wounds
The drug which makes the testosterone high
This drug is now everywhere in the body
In the nerves
In the heart
In the soul
This shine had
Once stopped the rain of the life
The rain of the path
Which was never taken
Was never ending
This shine is the needful shelter
Which now cannot be broken by
Any flood
Any wind
A confirmation
A promise
A tinge of eternal beauty
Which is borrowed
By this shine
Will always be conserved
-Shivangi Sarabhai